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EU Citizens ask for a European Constitution – Politicians agree

The first ever assembly of randomly selected EU Citizens debating Democracy and Values recommended to re-open the works for a European Constitution. We, the members of the Spinelli Caucus of European, national and regional Parliamentarians and government representatives agree: We want a stronger Europe, more democratic, more reflective of daily needs of people, more ready to act and this requires changes to the current treaties. These changes need to be discussed by all in an inclusive and transparent way.

A pro-European Council presidency, side-by-side with explicitly pro-reform governments in many Member States can open a window of opportunity for reforms for a stronger European Union. The Conference on the future of Europe must lay out the reform agenda for this reawakening of our continent.

The Spinelli Group

Rue d’Arlon 53,
1000, Bruxelles

The Spinelli Group