The UEF Political Commission on Institutional Affairs (CoFoE, Democracy) (PC1) is happy to welcome you to its live debate on The AFCO Report and the Process for Treaty Reform
The PC 1 debate will be preceded by introductions by:
- Helmut Scholz, MEP and Co-Rapporteur of the AFCO Report on the proposed reform of the EU Treaties
- Giulia Rossollillo, Rapporteur of PC 1 on Institutional Affairs (CoFoE, Democracy)
On the basis of the results of the Conference on the Future of Europe, which highlighted citizens’ awareness of the need for a strong and democratic Europe, the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the European Parliament has drawn up a draft reform of the Treaties that takes up the demands of citizens and federalists and paves the way for the creation of a true federal state.
This is a unique opportunity to transform the Union from an organisation still hostage to the member states into a democratic and federal union, an opportunity that we Federalists must not miss. The debate will focus on the main features of the AFCO Report and on the possible outcomes of the opening of a Convention.
The proposal for a resolution “For a democratic Europe now“ proposed by EUD Kreis Heilbronn, MFE Sezione di Sondrio, UEF Belgium, UEF Groupe Europe, and UEF Luxembourg with amendments (see below) will be discussed as well.
The proposal for resolution will then be debated and voted on at the next UEF FC on 21 October 2023.
More information HERE
Listen to the debate here